Sunday, December 13, 2009

scouts honor

i am so pleased that i've actually managed to do some painting in Wellington. Usually i have to be so settled and nested..but sitting on an uncomfortable 3rd hand couch watching a 3 inch tv with a table made of cardboard and books, i have actually done some of my favourite paintings from this year.

I received my government grant a week or two ago, and have been shopping like mad. It would have been more fun if i hadn't had to supply itemised quotes a month ago, but its still nice to have a truckload of new stuff. Well, new art stuff. Which is really all i spend my money on anyway!

I got some christmas/birthday/just because cards printed, and they'll be up on etsy soon soon soon, and hopefully they give my totally dead etsy store a bit of a kick re-start.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Your work is amazing! I just stumbled onto your Etsy Shop this evening. I can't wait to own some of your Art....I'll be back after Christmas when I can afford to spend money on myself :)