I make these all the time. People ask me for the recipe just as often, but it is super basic so i never bother (also, laziness). So here it is in all it's roughly-drawn deliciousness.

(you might want to click the images so the are readable size)
Make them and eat them because they taste good. Sometimes i put m&m's in there too, just because i like m&m's.
Mmm! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'll have to try these soon. <3
Also, the drawings are cute and the color palette is sweet.
yum! thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love drawn recipes! Adorable and tasty! Thanks for sharing!
I want to beat you for the recipe being so small, but it and your blog are so cute that I just wont do it ;)
If you click on each image, it will show up original size! I tried to get it to show up proper-sized on the blog but noooo blogger wouldn't let me.
So it is totally readable if you do that xx
lovely drawn!
you should share more recipes ;)
thanks for sharing that!very lovely!
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