This is Bonnie, who licked my feet a lot. I didn't get a good photo of Jasper, probably because i was too busy cuddling him.
The fair! All three of us were right at the back, far away from the door, on a little platform area, so i think quite a few people missed us, but it was still very fun. It was only 4 hours long, which was a great length, so i was only drooping a little by the end.

I finished my first zine, and it made it's debut here. It will be on etsy soon, i didn't expect it to sell so well but I have none left!

Here's a photo of what i came home to. Bright blue skies, after rain the entire Auckland trip.
(also Wal and the cat were there but they are currently both asleep and so I shan't bother them with terrible photo-taking)

I really wanted one of your zines! Didn't get in quick enough :) Lovely stall!
Devon! it was lovely chatting to you at the fair! Sorry I cldnt come out with u guys after... my helper friend started feeling ill so i had to take her home! next time for sure!! :) xx
your artworks are lovely! :)
did you study graphic design in college / university? if i want to create zines like yours, is it okay to embark on fine art course?
Your stall looked wonderful! Just discovered your blog...and I like it very much!
Thanks everyone!
And Sydney - I studied Fine Arts at university (I have a B.F.A), but i don't think you really need any schooling to make zines x
thank for replying! you just calm me down ahaha x
but in my country there's only fine art in diploma :( i might not continue degree/bachelor overseas due to money issue... im afraid i couldnt find a job after graduation xx
I would wet my pants, or refrain from doing this if it'd help the situation, being that I desperate need that girl with raccoon print on a shirt! <33333333 you're fantastic.
I have tried to get that raccoon girl onto a shirt before.. but i'd have to vectorise it or something so it'll screen print. There is probably some magical non-screenprinting way of making shirts but I sure don't what that is.
Thank you for all your lovely comments xxxxx
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