I just got back from a nice visit to Auckland. I've come back a bit more clear headed so I've actually been managing to draw again. My lovely friend
Evie let me stay with her and her nice boyfriend and their nice pets (two pups! and Eddie the cat). I kind of went up for a market but it was a bit of a flop so i was really just there to drink milkshakes and eat dumplings and do fun silly crafts with a group of nice ladies.
Cute but terrible coffee. I didn't have a single good cup of coffee in Auckland, always over extracted and yuck. Lucky the company was so good.
I wore one of my own temporary tattoos to the market to show how good they come out. Had a few people ask if it was real so i guess that's a pretty good sign.
When i arrived
Bronwyn handed me a Halloween bag of presents. Which had this amazing little deer lamp inside. Plus one of her fantastic neon bows. I don't know what i did to deserve this but I'm not complaining.