Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Goodbye Stir.

Josephine framed.
Originally uploaded by Eating ghosts
Stir is closing down. Which also means my exhibition will be closing. I realised i never showed any of the finished work so here is a photo of Josephine in her loely frame.



Tracie said...

I saw your work in Saucy Dwellings on Livejournal. Just wanted to say: it's beautiful!

Will you be continuing to put originals/prints up on etsy? I haven't seen anything that really caught my eye yet, but I'd love to be able to own something by you!

Best of luck!

Devon said...

I'll be putting new things up pretty regularly, depending on how things sell. I only just opened the store so it's still pretty small. If you have a piece of mine you particularly like you can request a print, too, if you like xx

Tracie said...

I am a particular fan of your deer and bird drawings/paintings.. morbid or not, I really liked the ones of the dead birds. I do enjoy your girl paintings, but moving around so often makes me change my decor a lot. But birds and deer will always fit! I really admire the precision and simplicity of your pen and ink drawings.

I will definitely be bookmarking and checking your store regularly!

Anonymous said...

your work is beautiful!

Devon said...

Thank you, Mellz!

And Short Round, i've just put up an original little deer drawing - you've probably seen it before. x